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A Confession of a Person Who Has Not Been Read the Miranda Rights Is Not Admissible in Court.

Подборка по базе: в 22 веке все люди – Яндекс.Переводчик – словарь и онлайн перево, Третье практическое задание Английский.docx, тест английский.docx, Артикли английский.docx, Синергия Английский язык в сфере юриспруденции.docx, 3-Клаассс-Календарно-тематическое планирование УМК Английский яз, four-класс-Календарно-тематическое планирование УМК Английский язык, домашка английский.docx, контрольная работа английский язык.docx, Альмяшкина, 1А. Word stress in English language..docx


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Chapter Three. Law Enforcement


Полицейские подразделения Англии и Уэльса подведомст­венны органам местной полиции. Столичная полиция находится в подчинении у Министра внутренних дел. Подразделения в областях возглавляют главные констебли. Они несут ответ­ственность за свою работу перед центральными полицейскими органами, которые назначают начальника полиции и его по­мощника. Комиссар Столичной полиции и его непосредствен­ные подчиненные назначаются по рекомендации министра внутренних дел.

Job 4. Complete the post-obit text with the words and phrases from the box: walkie-talkie, plain clothes, detective, compatible, policeman, police force, rank, join

Alan is now old enough and tall plenty to the At first, of grade, he'll be an ordinary

of the lowest . He'll article of clothing a and

go out in the streets keeping in touch with the police station with

his • Then he'd like to be a in

investigating serious crimes.

TASK 5. Wait at the picture and read the law message: Crime: Armed Robbery

Location: Southward & Southward Park Streets

Date: November xiii, 1999

The public's assist is requested in identifying the person or persons responsible for an armed robbery on the southwest corner of the South St. and Southward Park St. intersection.

This crime occurred at 9:30 a.m. on November 13, 1999.

jumped in front of the victim, pulled a knife from his jacket and said,
At about 9:30 thousand. the victim, a young visitor to the city, was walking south forth Southward Park St. At the southwest corner of Due south Park St. and South St., the suspect

"Give me your purse or you lot're stuck!" The victim handed it over and the suspect fled the scene of the law-breaking.

The suspect is described as a white male, twenty—25 years one-time, medium build, 5'2", moustache, blue eyes, brusk brownish hair, pointed nose. He was wearing a red baseball cap with a Montreal Canadians logo, a dark

blueish jacket, green jeans and white sneakers.

This homo is armed and therefore dangerous. If you tin can identify the man in the photofit picture, or have any information on this or any criminal offence, contact the local Constabulary Department or Crime Stoppers at 1-800-555-8477, and you may be eligible for a cash reward.

TASK 6. Find in the text in a higher place the English language equivalents for the post-obit words and expressions:

    • денежное вознаграждение

    • опознать преступника

    • скрыться с места
      пр е с тупления

  • жертва

  • вооруженное ограбление

  • фоторобот

TASK seven. Find in the text the clarification of the criminal and compose an contrary 1: e.m. "The doubtable is described as blackness, very tall..." Utilise some of the expressions given beneath:

Face — long, circular, oval, thin, plump, fleshy, puffy, wrinkled,

pasty, pimpled, pock-marked, clean-shaven FEATURES — groomed, frail, forceful, regular / irregular,

large, small, stern

COMPLEXION — off-white, pale, nighttime, sallow Hair — curly, wavy, straight, receding (scanty), rumpled,

shoulder-length, medium-length, brusk-cut, crew-cut,

bobbed, dyed, bald, fair /dark-haired Forehead — high, low, narrow, square, broad EYES — hollowed, bulging, close-fix, deep-set, sunken, wide-

apart, crossed-eyed

EYEBROWS — thin, thick, bushy, arched, pencilled, shaggy EARS — modest, big, jug-eared Nose — prominent, straight, pointed, hooked, flat, aquiline,


LIPS — total, thin, painted, cleft lip TEETH — even / uneven, sparse, bogus CHEEKS — plump, hollow, ruddy, stubby CHIN — foursquare, pointed, double, massive, protruding

Affiliate 3. Law Enforcement

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BEARD — full, bushy, spade beard, gray-bearded, heavy-bearded MOUSTACHE — thin, thick, molar brush, walrus Top — tall, short, of medium height BUILT — average, medium congenital, well-congenital, plump, skinny DISTINGUISHING FEATURES — birth marks, freckles, scars, wooden leg, humpback, pot-belly

TASK viii. Translate the following police force bulletin into English and make the corresponding photo fit:


Второй: На вид 40 лет, рост 175— 180 см, плотного телосложения, во­лосы светлые, вьющиеся до плеч, лицо овальное, нос курносый, бро­ви густые.

Был одет: темная удлиненная ко­жаная куртка, темные брюки.

Любую имеющуюся информацию просьба сообщить по телефону 222-33-22, или 02.

Разыскиваются преступники, со­вершившие убийство 21 сентября в доме номер 99 по проспекту Мира.

Первый: На вид 30 лет, рост 170— 175 см, худощавого телосложения, волосы черные прямые, лицо круг­лое, нос прямой, глаза слегка на­выкате.

Был одет: темная короткая кожа­ная куртка, светлые брюки, корич­невые ботинки. Носит темные очки в металлической оправе.

Only for Fun

A beautiful blonde walked into a Chicago police station and gave the desk-bound sergeant a detailed clarification of a man who had dragged her by the pilus downwardly iii flights of stairs, threatened to choke her to expiry and finally vanquish her upwards.

"With this clarification we'll have him arrested in no time," said the desk sergeant.

"But I don't desire him arrested", the young woman protested. "Merely find him for me. He promised to marry me."

Can you lot depict the individual?

He was nigh medium height and had a beard.

Was this a male person or female?


Role-PLA Y

Identify the Suspect!

There accept been a string of depository financial institution robberies in the local expanse recently. Police are investigating the crimes and making the photofits of the suspects.

Work in pairs. Each pair should consist of a police inspector and a witness:

STEP 1. The police inspector is questioning the eye­witness to find out all the necessary details of the doubtable'southward appearance.

STEP ii. Using the information obtained they make upwardly a photofit by completing the drawings below.


TASK 1. Read the text and interpret words and expressions given in bold type in writing:

The powers of a law officer in England and Wales to terminate and search, arrest and place a person under detention are

contained in the Police and Criminal Evidence Deed 1984. The legislation and the lawmaking of practice set out the powers and responsibilities of officers in the investigation of offences, and the rights of citizens.

Chapter III. Police force Enforcement


An officer is liable to disciplinary proceedings if he or she fails to comply with whatever provision of the codes, and evidence obtained in breach of the codes may be ruled inadmissible in court. The code must be readily available in all police stations for consultation by police officers, detained people and members of the public.

Stop and Search

A police officer in England and Wales has the power to stop and search people and vehicles if there are reasonable grounds for suspecting that he or she will find stolen goods, offensive weapons or implements that could exist used for theft, burglary or other offences. The officer must, even so, state and record the grounds for taking this activity and what, if anything, was


The Criminal Justice and Public Lodge Act 1994 enables a senior police officer to authorise uniformed officers to stop and search people or vehicles for offensive weapons, dangerous implements where he or she has reasonable grounds for assertive that serious incidents of violence may have place. The officer must specify the time-scale and area in which the powers are to be exercised.


In England and Wales the constabulary have wide powers to arrest people suspected of having committed an offence with or without a warrant issued past a court. For serious offences, known equally 'arrestable offences', a doubtable can be arrested without a warrant. Arrestable offences are those for which 5 or more years' imprisonment can be imposed. This category also includes 'serious arrestable offences' such as murder, rape and kidnapping.

There is also a general arrest power for all other offences if it is impracticable or inappropriate to send out a summons to appear in court, or if the police officeholder has reasonable grounds for believing that arrest is necessary to preclude the person concerned from causing injury to any other person or damage to property.

Detention, Treatment and Questioning

An arrested person must exist taken to a law station (if he or she is not already at i) as shortly equally practicable after arrest-At the station, he or she will be seen by the custody officer who

will consider the reasons for the abort and whether there are sufficient grounds for the person to be detained. The Code of Practice nether the 1984 Constabulary and Criminal Show Deed made it clear that juveniles should not exist placed in the cells. Most law stations should have a detention room for those juveniles who need to be detained. The suspect has a right to speak to an contained solicitor complimentary of charge and to have a relative or other named person told of his or her arrest. Where a person has been arrested in connexion with a serious arrestable offence, but has non nonetheless been charged, the police force may delay the do of these rights for up to 36 hours in the interests of the investigation if sure strict criteria are met.

A doubtable may refuse to reply police questions or to give evidence in court. Changes to this so-called 'right to silence' accept been fabricated past the Criminal Justice and Public Order Human action 1994 to allow courts in England and Wales to describe inferences from a accused'south refusal to answer police force questions or to requite information during his or her trial. Reflecting this change in the law, a new form of police caution (which must precede any questions to a suspect for the purpose of obtaining evidence) is intended to ensure that people sympathise the possible consequences if they answer questions or stay silent.

POLICE Caution

Yous practice not have to say anything but it may damage your defence if you do not mention when questioned something which you later rely on in court, anything yous do say may be given in bear witness.

Questions relating to an offence may not ordinarily exist put to a person after he or she has been charged with that offence or informed that he or she may exist prosecuted for it.

The length of time a suspect is held in police force custody earlier charge is strictly regulated. For lesser offences this may not exceed

24 hours. A person suspected of committing a serious arrestable offence can exist detained for upwardly to 96 hours without charge but beyond 36 hours only if a warrant is obtained from a magistrates' court.

Reviews must be made of a person'south detention at regular intervals — six hours afterward initial detention and thereafter every 9 hours as a maximum — to cjieck whether the criteria for detention are still satisfied. If they are not, the person must be released immediately.

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Interviews with suspected offenders at law stations must exist tape-recorded when the police are investigating indictable offences and in sure other eases. The police are not precluded from taping interviews for other types of offences. The taping of interviews is regulated by a code of practice approved by Parliament, and the suspect is entitled to a copy of the record.

A person who thinks that the grounds for detention are unlawful may use to the High Courtroom in England and Wales for a writ of Habeas Corpus against the person who detained him or her, requiring that person to announced before the court to justify the detention. Habeas Corpus proceedings have precedence over others. Similar procedures apply in Northern Republic of ireland and a similar remedy is bachelor to anyone who is unlawfully detained in


Recognising that the utilize of DNA analysis has become a powerful tool in the investigation of crime, the Government has extended police powers to have body samples from suspects. The Criminal Justice and Public Order Human activity 1994 allows the police to take not-intimate samples without consent from anyone who is detained or convicted for a recordable offence, and to utilise the samples to search confronting existing records of bedevilled offenders or unsolved crimes. In time a national database will exist built up.


Once there is sufficient prove, the police have to decide whether a detained person should be charged with the ofience. If there is bereft testify to charge, the person nay be released on bail pending further enquiries by the police. The police may make up one's mind to take no further action in respect of a particular offence and to release the person. Alternatively, they may determine to issue him or her with a formal caution, which volition be recorded and may be taken into account if he or she subsequently re-offends.

If charged with an offence, a person may exist kept in custody if there is a chance that he or she might fail to appear in court or might interfere with the administration of justice. When no such considerations utilize, the person must be released on or without bail. Where someone is detained after accuse, he or she must exist brought before a magistrates' court every bit presently as practicable This is usually no afterward than the next working day.

Affiliate III. Police force Enforcement

TASK two. Answer the following questions:

  1. What are the main constabulary powers in England and Wales?

  1. In what cases can a police officer finish and search the

  1. What does the procedure of stop and search consist of?

  1. What are the provisions of 1994 Criminal Justice and
    Public Guild Act?

  1. What document is necessary to acquit out an arrest?

  2. What are the arrestable offences?

  3. When tin can a person exist arrested without a warrant?

  4. Where should the suspects be taken after arrest?

  5. What rights does the arrested person take?

  1. When tin the exercise of these rights be delayed?

  2. What is the constabulary caution?

  3. What does the correct of silence consist of? What can the
    consequences of using this right exist for the suspect?

  4. How long tin can a person be kept in custody before being

  5. What is the procedure of interviewing the detained
    person at the police force station?

  6. What can a person do in case of unlawful detention?

  7. What are the provisions of the Habeas Corpus Act?

  8. What happens to a person after he or she has been charged?

Chore 3. Find in the text above the English equivalents for the following words and expressions:

  1. задержание и досмотр

  2. процессуальный кодекс

  3. расследование преступлений

  4. права граждан

  5. преступления, в связи с которыми может быть произве­
    ден арест

  6. судебная повестка

  7. причинение ущерба / нанесение телесных повреждений

  8. право не отвечать на вопросы

  9. преступления, рассматриваемые по обвинительному акту

  1. основания для задержания

  2. расширенные полномочия полиции

  3. запротоколированное, зарегистрированное преступление

  4. веские / достаточные доказательства

  5. полицейский участок


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Affiliate III. Law Enforcement


  1. подлежать дисциплинарному взысканию

  2. иметь веские/разумные основания

  3. уполномочивать, давать право

  4. принимать меры

  5. совершать повторные правонарушения

TASK four. Translate the following text in writing:

The Miranda Alarm

"You lot have the correct to remain silent; anything you say can exist used confronting y'all....", these are the words of the Miranda warning which was created as a issue of 1966 Us Supreme Court instance, Miranda 5. Arizona. It began when Ernesto Miranda was arrested at his domicile and taken into custody to the police station, where he was identified by a witness as the human who had kidnapped and raped a woman. Police officers took Mr. Miranda into an interrogation room and two hours later emerged with a written confession signed by Mr. Miranda that too stated that the confession was made voluntarily and with full knowledge of his legal rights. The officers, nevertheless, failed to propose Mr. Miranda that he had a right to have an attorney present.

The United States Supreme Court ruled that the confession could not be used as show of Mr. Miranda's guilt because he was not fully advised on his legal rights, which included the correct to have his attorney present. The 5th Amendment to the United States Constitution states that no person can be deprived of life, liberty, or

property, without due process of constabulary. To ensure that other accused criminals are made aware of their constitutional rights, The Supreme Court ruled that a suspect who is taken into custody and interrogated must receive a warning of the following rights: the correct to remain silent, that anything he says can be used confronting him in a court of law, that he has a right of the

presence of an attorney, and that if he tin not afford an attorney, ane volition exist appointed for him prior to any questioning if he and so desires. The "Miranda warning" is now practical by police officers throughout the United States equally a result of this ruling.

TASK 5. Friction match the post-obit English language expressions with their Russian equivalents:

1) credit for time in custody

а) возвращение под стражу

two) defendant non in custody

b) дальнейшее содержание

iii) detention in custody

под стражей

4) escape by person in custody

с) передать, препроводить

5) in-custody confession

под стражу

6) in-custody interrogation

d) допрос лица, находящегося

7) person in custody

под стражей

viii) remand in custody

е) содержать под стражей

9) memory in custody

f) зачёт времени пребывания

10) to discharge from custody

под стражей

11) to proceed in custody

g) лицо, содержащееся

12) to submit to custody

под стражей

h) освободить из-под стражи

i) побег из-под стражи

j) подсудимый, находящийся

на свободе

к) признание, сделанное лицом,

находящимся под стражей

ane) содержание под стражей

TASK 6. Make full in the gaps in the text beneath with the advisable words from the box:

theft; sentence; charge; fine; fingerprints; oath; arrest;

evidence; cell; courtroom; magistrate;

handcuff; witnesses; investigate; detained; pleaded; found

A policeman was sent to

some property from a hotel. When he arrived, he plant that the hotel staff had caught a boy in one of the rooms with a camera

and some greenbacks. When the policeman tried to the boy, he

became violent and the policeman had to _ _ him. At the


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Chapter 3. Law Enforcement


police station the boy could not give a satisfactory explanation

for his deportment and the police decided to him with the of the camera and cash. They took his. Locked/

TASK 7. Fill in the gaps with the prepositions from the box. Some of these can be used more than than once:

before; in; to; of; with

juveniles are not supposed to be held in police cells under whatever circumstances. Under the 1984 Code of Practice juveniles should not exist placed in the cells. "Most law stations would have a detention room for those juveniles who need to exist detained. The rooms are much more spacious and less intimidating than cells and, crucially, nearer the custody officer. Just juveniles are sometimes put in cells considering there is nowhere else to put them", Mark Grindrod, juvenile project manager for the Howard League for'Penal Reform, said. "If y'all have juveniles in custody you take to accept particular concerns about their vulnerability, because they are

particularly prone to carrying out acts which maybe they do non fully think through. That'south why nosotros accept such specific and stringent rules about interviewing and detaining juveniles, both in law stations or prisons." A juvenile should not be held in a cell before being interviewed and a conclusion over whether to charge him or her is reached. Once a decision to accuse has been made, police force can bail the young person into the care of social services, or send him or her dwelling, pending a court appearance.

Cleveland Police voluntarily referred the example to the Law Complaints Authority.

  1. court

    Task 8. Study the newspaper article below and discuss the problems of juvenile custody:

    Boy, 15, Dies after Hanging in Police Cell

    He's being kept

  2. He was sentenced _

  3. She got a sentence

  4. He was accused

  5. She's been charged

  6. He appeared

7. They were brought

A fresh controversy was looming yesterday over the intendance of juveniles in custody when a 15-twelvemonth-old boy died afterwards existence found unconscious in a police jail cell.

The teenager was rumoured to have tried to hang himself in the cell at Hartlepool constabulary station, although the results of a post-mortem examination conducted yesterday volition non exist released until today. The


v years.

six months.

yardurder, theft.


the approximate.

15-year-old had been arrested on suspicion of burglary and was found unconscious by custody officers at 3.fifteen p.m. on Monday. The officers resuscitated him before paramedics rushed him to the general infirmary. He was put on a life support system but died at ane a.m. yesterday morning.

The death will be viewed as particularly controversial because

Task ix. Study the choice of newspaper manufactures covering shop­lifting cases. Annotate on the penalties given in each case:

Permit Off with a Caution

straight from at present on. She says she did information technology mostly out of boredom, and not to print her friends every bit a lot of youngsters exercise. Only she feels she'south grown out of information technology later the fright she got the other day, and has decided to look for other interests.

Xiv-year erstwhile Jane was lucky this time. Defenseless by a store detective with a bottle of hair conditioner, center-lash dye, and a copy of Hello mag hidden in her purse, she establish herself in a van beingness driven to the constabulary station. Even more upset than Jane was her Mum. She was equally white as a sheet when she went to collect Jane from police station, and outburst into tears.

Jane says, "I was lucky. Two policemen came and looked at my home, which is very middle class and respectable. I retrieve that's why they let me off. They even asked to come across my school books."

Afterward two years of regular shop­lifting, Jane has decided to become


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Affiliate Hello. Law Enforcement


Yellow Fever

Store-Lifting Celebrity

TASK 10. Retell each story from Task nine equally if you were a Store Detective or Police Officeholder giving evidence in court. Apply some of the Colour Idioms given below:

  • to grab smb. red-handed — to catch smb. during his or
    her committing a criminal offense

  • to be in the red — to be broke, having no money

  • to run across ruby — to get terribly angry

  • to appear out of the blue — from nowhere, unexpectedly

  • in the blackness and white — in a very clear fashion

Roy Philips Downfall was the colour beau. Appearing in court on shop­lifting charges, he wore a yellow parka, yellow shirt, xanthous pants, and a yellow tie. It was a similar dress that drew him to the attending of the shop detective at a

Anna Bronx, the well-known Television receiver personality, was institute dead in her flat in Knightsbridge this morning after taking an overdose of sleeping pills.

The tragedy occurred less than a calendar month after she had appeared in courtroom on a charge of shop-lifting in a department store. It was claimed that she had taken goods worth £7.30 when she was arrested outside the store. She was sentenced to a fine of £100, and was given a two-week suspended sentence.

supermarket in Oldham, England, where everything he was after had a yellow connection: lemons, jellies, mustard, cheese, three pairs of socks, and two pairs of underpants. He was given a one-month suspended sentence.

Mrs. Bronx was for many years a well-loved personality on a pop plan, but for the last several years had withdrawn from public life and was living by herself. Friends say that they did not think she was unhappy, just that she may accept been a piddling bored after such an active public life.

Information technology was of course a great shock when she was arrested for shop-lifting. Local feeling was that the magistrate had been far as well severe, a feeling that can merely grow later on this tragic incident.

It's Interesting to Know!

To exist caught cerise-handed ways to be caught in the act of crime. The guilt of the person is commonly non in doubt. If you find a burglar in your living room holding some valuables that belong to you, then that person is said to have been defenseless crimson-handed.

Red-handed connotes hands red with blood. The expression dates back to the time when it was nigh impossible to bear witness that somebody was guilty of a offense unless the person confessed — usually nether torture — or was caught in the act of committing a offense. I crime was the killing of some other man'southward cow, sheep or squealer. There was also a police force which forbade the killing of the rex'southward deer in the forests of England. If a person was caught in possession of fresh meat, this was not usually enough to testify the person's guilt. It was simply when a person was caught with both a dead animal and blood on his easily that there was enough prove for the person to be arrested and then convicted.


The Lure of Shop-lifting

Role play the stories to a higher place.

Human action as a Police force Officer who stops, searches, questions the offender and prepares a record of the example for the magistrate'southward court.

Human activity every bit a Detained Person who is being questioned in constabulary custody.


The Lasting Principles

In 1829 Sir Richard Mayne, one of the founders of Scotland Yard, wrote: "The primary object of an efficient police is the

4- 376


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Chapter Iii. Law Enforcement


prevention of criminal offence and detection and penalization of offenders if offense is committed. To these ends all the efforts of law must be directed. The protection of life and holding, the preservation of public tranquillity, and the absence of crime, will alone testify whether those efforts have been successful and whether the objects for which the police were appointed take been attained."

In attaining these objects, much depends on the approving and co-performance of the public, and these have always been adamant by the degree of esteem and respect in which the constabulary are held. Therefore, every member of the Force must think that it is his duty to protect and help members of the public, no less than to bring offenders to justice. Consequently, while prompt to forestall crime and arrest criminals, he must look on himself as the retainer and guardian of the general public and treat all constabulary-abiding citizens, irrespective of their race, color, creed or social position, with unfailing patience and courtesy.

By the use of tact and good humour the public can normally exist induced to comply with directions and thus the necessity for using strength is avoided. If, still, persuasion, advice or warning is found to be ineffective, a resort to strength may become necessary, as it is imperative that a police officeholder existence required to have action shall act with the firmness necessary to render information technology effective.

TASK 1. Reply the following questions:

  1. What are the objects of the police work co-ordinate to Sir
    Richard Mayne?

  2. How should the co-performance betwixt the constabulary and the
    public exist achieved?

  3. Why is the principle of police-public co-operation and so

TASK 2. Read the text and translate the expressions given in bold type in writing:

Police Subject area

The constabulary are not above the law and must act inside it. A law officer is an agent of the law of the land and may exist sued or prosecuted for whatever wrongful deed committed in the performance of police duties. Officers are besides subject to a disciplinary code designed to deal with abuse of police powers and maintain public

confidence in law impartiality. If institute guilty of breaching the code, an officeholder can be dismissed from the strength.

Members of the public have the right to brand complaints against police officers if they feel that they have been treated unfairly or improperly. In England and Wales the investigation and resolution of complaints is scrutinised past the independent Police Complaints Authorisation. The Dominance must supervise whatever example involving death or serious injury and has discretion to supervise in whatever other case. In addition, the Dominance reviews main constables' proposals on whether disciplinary charges should be brought against an officeholder who has been the subject of a complaint. If the chief constable does non recommend formal disciplinary charges, the Authorization may, if it disagrees with the determination, recommend and, if necessary, direct that charges be brought.

The Government aims to ensure that the quality of service provided by police forces in Britain inspires public confidence, and that the constabulary have the active support and involvement of the communities which they serve. The police service is taking constructive action to improve operation and standards. All forces in England and Wales have to consult with the communities they serve and develop policing policies to meet community demands. They have to be more open and explicit virtually their operations and the standards of service that they offer.

Nigh all forces accept liaison departments designed to develop closer contact between the forcefulness and the community. These departments consist of representatives from the law, local councillors and community groups.

Particular efforts are made to develop relations with young people through greater contact with schools and their pupils.

The Regime has repeatedly stated its commitment to improve relations betwixt the police and indigenous minorities. Key guidance recommends that all police officers should receive a thorough preparation in customs and race relations issues. Home Office and police initiatives are designed to tackle racially motivated criminal offense and to ensure that the issue is seen as a priority past the police. Discriminatory behaviour by constabulary officers, either to other officers or to members of the public, is an offence under the Police Discipline Code. All law forces recognise the need to recruit women and members of the ethnic minorities in lodge to ensure that the police represent the community. Every force has an equal opportunities policy.


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Chapter 3. Law Enforcement


5. After a long questioning the suspect had to confess
committing a robbery.

TASK vi. Read the following newspaper article and point out the public attitude towards the police force:

The PC with the Golden Handcuffs

TASK 7. Interpret the post-obit words and expressions from the commodity above:

  1. commendation

  2. offense-bustling blitz

  3. crook

TASK 3. Answer the following questions:

  1. What disciplinary measures are law officers field of study to?

  2. What government supervise police bear?

  3. What helps improve constabulary-public co-operation?

  4. What is a liaison department?

  5. How are race related problems tackled past the constabulary?

Task iv. Complete the following text with the words and expressions from the box:

misconduct; opinion polls; justice; sympathy; mob violence; failures; complaints; terrorist offence

About people take a positive attitude to the police, and
take indicated that in that location is much public

with men and women who have to deal with
. There is a formal organization through which

of police behaviour may be investigated, but in the

late 1990s information technology was found that these procedures had non prevented

some serious in the system of administering

. Some Irish gaelic people had been bedevilled of a

on the footing of confessions which had been improperly

extracted from them, and the truth was discovered only afterwards
they had spent several years in prison. There were other cases
too in which at that place were grounds for suspecting that the police
had persuaded people to confess to crimes which they had not
committed. Another inquiries revealed more cases of

' by the police force.

TASK 5. Fill in the gaps with the prepositions from the box: from; to; with; to; of

the problem of crime

the defendant.

a vehement assault.

  1. What is your attitude

  1. All the sympathies of the jury were

  2. Finally the criminal was convicted

4. The detective took pains to excerpt data the center-witness.

The hiding places are running out for crooks on PC Peter Hilton's patch. He has made an incredible 287 arrests in 11 months. In a crime-humming rush in Eccles, Salford, villains have been pinched for offences including break-in, car theft, possession of drugs, set on and drinkable-driving.

At present PC Hilton has been honoured for his devotion to public service with a citation from Greater Manchester Primary Constable David Wilmot. Mr. Willmot said information technology was unusual for an officeholder to receive an honor for the number of arrests he had made rather than an private human activity.

PC Hilton said modestly: "I've just been lucky. I've been in the correct identify at the right time. Teamwork with colleagues has also played a big role. Landing the crime-ridden Eccles beat has also helped. "

The constable said that after ten years in the force he "tended to know the short cuts crooks take and as well what to look for". He added: "It's all well-nigh knowing their

behaviour patterns." He said colleagues jokingly called him Pete Lockup, and even the crooks managed a smiling as he slipped on the handcuffs. "When I pull up in the automobile they say. "Oh, no! It'south PC Hilton over again". I become on all right with some of them — it's OK if they've washed zippo incorrect."

The constable, who spent eight years on the beat in Bury, has also received three Chief Superintendent's commendations and a commendation of merit from the Master Constable for convincing a gunman. His wife Joanne said: "I'm very proud of him."


Just English. Английский для юристов

Chapter III . Law Enforcement


  1. PC Peter Hilton's patch

  2. Pete Lockup

  3. teamwork with colleagues

  4. to land the criminal offense-ridden beat out

  5. to pinch

  6. to receive a citation of merit

10. to have short cuts

Chore 8. Find in the article above the English equivalents for the following words and expressions:

  1. укрытие

  2. произвести арест

  3. злодей

  4. угон автомобиля

  5. хранение наркотиков

  6. нападение

  7. вождение в нетрезвом состоянии

  8. быть представленным к награде

  9. разоружить преступника

Job 9. Answer the following questions:

  1. What offences does Pete Hilton bargain with?

  2. What is unusual about his reward?

  3. What helps Pete in his piece of work?

TASK 10. Read the following newspaper commodity and point out the public attitude towards the constabulary:

£220,000 for Victim of Police Assault

solicitor, said his client'due south arms were twisted backside his dorsum and he was

SOLICITOR (UK) — a qualified lawyer who advises clients, represents them in the lower courts and prepares cases for barristers to effort in higher courts

handcuffed. "They punched and kicked him in the van and he was kicked in the kidneys". Another policeman used his back as a footstool and the driver turned round and insulted him verbally proverb he had got no more than he deserved. The charge officeholder told him, "I've never arrested a Chink before." When he was released at 11 p.1000. that night they threw him into the street in only jeans and flip-flops. "He had to walk 2 miles domicile," Mr. Khan said.

When Mr. Zung arrived home, the forepart door was open and his stereo and other property had been stolen. Doctors found extensive bruising to his back and kidneys and he was passing blood.

Mr. Zung made a formal complaint to the Law Complaints Authority. Despite a police surgeon confirming the injuries, the complaint was rejected and he decided to sue.

Ben Emmerson, counsel for Mr. Zung, urged the jury to ship a strong message to Sir Paul Condon by awarding damages that would hit his budget. "In this case a small award would exist regarded as a victory by the officers."

A statement issued on behalf of Sir Paul, the Metropolitan Constabulary Commissioner, said: "We believe the award to exist excessive and we are going to entreatment confronting the size of the laurels merely non the verdict."

The Metropolitan Police said no activity would he taken against the constables involved: Christopher Smith, Andrew Morris and Bob Davies.

In a separate instance at the aforementioned court Terence Wilkinson, 27, was awarded £64,000 damages. He had defendant other officers from the same area of wrongful abort and assault, false imprisonment and malicious prosecution.

A hairdresser won £220,000 damages yesterday after a jury constitute that he was assaulted by constabulary and wrongfully arrested. This happened after counsel for Din Zung, 32, urged the jury to send a clear message that the public would no longer stand up for "lying, bullying, racism and perjury" past the Metropolitan Police.

Central London County Court was told that police force went to Mr. Zung'due south

COUNSEL for (the political party) — here same every bit BARRISTER (UK) — a lawyer who has the right to plead as an advocate in a superior courtroom

home over a dispute involving a leaking roof. Mr. Zung was arrested after refusing to allow officers in without a warrant. Akmal Khan, his

TASK eleven. Interpret the following words and expressions from the article above:

  1. bullying

  2. accuse officeholder

  3. imitation imprisonment

  4. malicious prosecution

  5. award

  6. to exist wrongfully arrested

  7. to appeal against the verdict

  8. to make a complaint

  9. to reject a complaint


Only English. Английский для юристов

Chapter Three. Law Enforcement


  1. to steal property

  2. to take an action against smb.

  3. to win damages

TASK 12. Find in the article above the English equivalents for the post-obit words and expressions:

  1. лжесвидетельство

  2. ордер на арест

  3. телесные повреждения

  4. надеть наручники

  5. наносить словесные оскорбления

  6. предъявлять иск

TASK 13. Answer the following questions:

  1. What did Mr.Zung's instance against Metropolitan Police
    consist of?

  2. What were the circumstances of Mr. Zung's arrest?

  3. How did the Police Authority react to Mr. Zung's formal

  4. What were Mr. Zung's further actions?

  5. What were the formal grounds for filing the instance?

  6. Why was the amount of the award and then important for Mr.
    Zung'south counsel?

  7. What actions will be taken against the police officers


Study the Manifesto of the U.S. citizens confronting police brutality. Compile a similar Manifesto on behalf of the British public using the facts from the previous article.

US Public Manifesto

Instead of protecting the public, police departments around the country are waging a campaign of violence and intimidation against the people in our communities. In cities across the country,

police kill unarmed people every month, yet

the officers are rarely disciplined. In New

Orleans and Philadelphia, police were caught •

fabricating testify and filing faux

reports in thousands of cases. In New York

recently, undercover cops shot an unarmed, black human 15 times.

Police force brutality is caught on videotapes.

Basta Ya! This is too much! The U.South. locks up a higher percentage of its people than any other country in the world. Jails are being built instead of schools and hospitals, and politicians are promising to put more cops on the street and pass more fascist laws to put more people in jail. But who will protect u.s. from the arrangement?

Who will protect the people being routinely brutalized for being the incorrect colour or being homeless or poor? Who will protect our youth who are arrested and jailed, past cops for how they look and dress? It'South UP TO US TO STOP THE EPIDEMIC OF POLICE Corruption AND VIOLENCE!

Today, as politicians push anti-crime propaganda and laws, and anti-ceremonious rights initiatives, we tin can strike a note of truth if we raise our voices loud plenty and bring into streets a bulletin that cannot exist ignored. Nosotros are calling on people of all races and backgrounds to stand upwardly and say that we will no longer put upward with all this.



Proficient or Evil?

Role play the press briefing on the principles of police force ideals:

A Confession of a Person Who Has Not Been Read the Miranda Rights Is Not Admissible in Court.


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